The Connection Between Physical Spaces & Mental Health / by D1 Design Group

Our physical surroundings play a significant role in shaping our mental health and overall well-being. This is especially true in the context of athletic environments, where athletes and staff members spend a considerable amount of time in practice facilities, meeting rooms, offices, and locker rooms. In this blog post, we will explore how elements of our surroundings, from practice facilities to offices, can shape mental health. We will also delve into why it's important to create supportive and inspiring environments within these spaces to foster well-being for everyone involved in college sports programs.

  1. Natural Light and Mood: Exposure to natural light has been shown to have a positive effect on mood, energy levels, and mental health. Ensuring that practice facilities, meeting rooms, and offices are designed with ample windows and skylights can help create a more uplifting atmosphere for athletes and staff members.

  2. Ergonomics and Comfort: Ergonomically designed furniture and functional spaces can reduce physical strain and promote comfort, ultimately contributing to better mental health. It's essential to consider the needs of athletes and staff members when designing spaces like offices, meeting rooms, and locker rooms to ensure their well-being.

  3. Organization and Clutter: A cluttered and disorganized space can increase stress levels and negatively affect mental health. Designing spaces that promote organization and efficiency, such as ample storage solutions and designated areas for specific activities, can help create a more harmonious environment.

  4. Prioritize Personalization: Allowing athletes and staff members to personalize their spaces, such as offices and lockers, can foster a sense of ownership and connection to the environment, ultimately supporting their mental health.

  5. Design for Flexibility: Creating spaces that can be adapted to meet the changing needs of athletes and staff members can promote a sense of control and reduce stress levels. Consider incorporating movable walls, adjustable furniture, and multi-purpose areas into the design of athletic spaces.

  6. Encourage Social Interaction: Designing spaces that facilitate social interaction can help build a sense of community and support among athletes and staff members. Consider incorporating communal areas, such as lounges and break rooms, to encourage positive social engagement.


The design and atmosphere of various facilities within a college sports program can significantly impact the mental health and well-being of athletes and staff members. By prioritizing natural light, ergonomics, organization, personalization, flexibility, and social interaction, we can create supportive and inspiring environments. Through these efforts, colleges can enhance mental health and overall well-being for everyone involved in their sports programs.